Taking the Unity Certified User: Programmer Exam can be confusing. Unity’s instructions, FAQ, and documents can take quite a bit of searching to find!
Luckily, we’re here to help simplify your test research. We trawled the Unity Exam content and unearthed tips and tricks for success! The following answers will clarify your Unity wonderings and alleviate those awful pre-test jitters.
Studying for the UCU: Programmer Exam

Do I need to memorize stuff for the UCU exam?
As a coder, memorization isn’t always that necessary. If you forget a keyword or where to find some Unity feature, all it takes is a quick query on a search engine! On the test, you won’t be able to use Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine to find the answer. When you’re using Unity, pay attention to what you have to look up.
Memorize the windows, common C# keywords, API classes, and tools. You’ll know you have enough memorized when you can go through the UCU Objective Domains (below) and feel comfortable explaining and giving examples in each section.
So, all I have to do is memorize Unity content?
Well, not quite. A lot of the content you’ll see on the UCU Exam requires applying the content you’re required to have memorized. Think of the exam as a math test (minus the calculator and the number-crunching). The exam won’t just instruct you to write down the formulas you’ve memorized; you’ll also have to solve problems with them!
In essence, the exam is making sure that you’ve interfaced with Unity. Work with the platform until you understand it while ensuring you know the concepts listed in the previous question by heart.
How should I study for the UCU: Programmer Exam?
The best way to study for this certification is to practice on Unity. To be safe, Unity suggests that you spend 150 hours using Unity software before you take the test. If you’re taking a course meant to help you pass, however, you don’t need to worry about hitting those hours perfectly.
Along with practicing, we recommend that you spend a significant amount of time perusing the Unity Manual and the Unity Scripting API. Make sure you’re feeling comfortable using both of these resources.
Also, grab some flashcards and memorize keywords and tools. The more quickly you can recall where things are, what they do, and what they’re called, the more time you can dedicate to actually answering the UCU test questions.
When you think you’re set to succeed, lean on practice tests. That way, you’ll get a chance to see what sort of questions will be expected of you!
Taking the Unity Certification Exam

How long will the Unity Certified User Programmer test take?
The exam itself lasts 50 minutes. In that time frame, you’ll be responsible for answering 40 different questions. That means, for this exam, time management is critical. You’ll only have a little over a minute to look at each question, so it’s best to be well-prepared to answer questions quickly.
If you’re stuck on a challenging question, mark it for review and move on. At the end of the exam, you will be allowed to review all of your answers.
What sort of questions should I expect on the Unity Certified User Programmer test?
The UCE is made up of multiple-choice, matching, and image selection questions. Rest assured, you won’t need to be writing paragraphs or essays on Unity!
As far as content, the test is designed for you to demonstrate an understanding of debugging, interpreting the API, creating code, evaluating code, and navigating the Unity interface. If you’d like to see the specific content you’re required to know, click the button below.
What is the exam interface like?
Before taking the UCU: Programmer test, you will be provided with a tutorial to help you understand the exam interface. It’s vital that you read this section thoroughly before starting the exam; the tutorial will provide you with information on the layout and format you’ll be expected to interface with! There is no penalty for taking extra time to look over this section. Your timer will not start until you select the Start Exam button.
If you’d like to take a look at the tutorial before you take the exam, you can find a pdf version here.
After the Unity Certification Exam

What grade do I need to pass the UCU: Programmer Exam?
Unity exams are graded on a scale of 200 to 700. To pass, you’ll need a score of 500. Each question is worth a different amount of points, and Unity (for the sake of security) isn’t transparent with the scores of each.
Once you submit your exam, it’ll only take a few minutes for you to receive your score. If you pass, your certificate will be valid for the next three years. If you don’t pass, you’ll be able to retake the exams 15 days from your test date.
I passed, now what?
Congratulations! You are now officially certified to use Unity.
You’ve learned the basics; you’re equipped to use Unity, make projects and games, and continue building your skills as a developer.
You’re ready to make games, continue along the certification pipeline, and teach all you’ve learned!
Are you looking for a course to take the guesswork out of UCU: Programmer Exam preparation? Our 8-week Workforce Solution course will guide you through all the concepts you need to know to pass that test! Learn More