See our Curriculum

Our curriculum teaches computer science and coding through the practical application of concepts and skills to make learning fun and engaging. Click on the sections below to see examples of our award-winning courses!

Curriculum Samples

High School CTE (Grades 9-12)

These cross-disciplinary courses have students develop industry-recognized skills and gain the knowledge to obtain professional coding certifications.

Game Development 1

Lesson: Students learn how to detect physical user input and use it to control the player character’s movement in the game.



Elementary Comp Sci (Grades 3-5)

This unplugged, teacher-led course teaches students core digital citizenship principles and introductory computer science knowledge.

Computer Science Essentials

Lesson: Students will learn the steps required to create a website.



Workforce Solutions (Adult Learners)

This professional development course provides adult learners with the knowledge to obtain industry-recognized coding certifications. No computer science background required.

Unity Certification Institute

Lesson: Students will be adding interactive buttons to the Roll-a-Ball game that allow the player to activate different parts of the level.



More than Curriculum

Mastery Coding provides more than just curriculum. By purchasing our any one of our courses, you gain access to:


Professional Development


Our Learning Platform

Features include:

  • Student data and reporting
  • Auto-grading assessments
  • Gradebook
  • Discussion board
  • Attendance tracking


Ongoing Support

To learn more and get the full, in-platform experience with our LMS features, contact us to schedule a demo.

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